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Performing measurements


  • Measure in sitting position with the scanner lying on the table

  • Rest your elbow on the table. Lower your hand so that it hovers 1 inch above the sensor. You can get ideal contact to the sensor by letting the hand rest on it with its own weight. Do not use the muscles of the arm to lift the hand or to press it onto the sensor. Since your blood contains antioxidants the effective antioxidant level will change if you press against the sensor. The sensor has a function that compensates the effect of the contact force. So, you do not need to worry to get a perfect contact. But if only the weight of your hand and arm is applied you still get a little bit better result. Pushing blood out of the skin will make the measurement of heart rate variability complete impossible.



Measurement Biozoom Antiox, Pulse, Heartrate

Sitting position - sensor on the table

Put your elbow on the table - no extra force when measuring

  • Gently place your right hand on the sensor using the groove to precisely align your hand. By always measuring the exact same point, you can properly see the effects of diet and lifestyle changes.

  • Do not move your hand or shift your weight during the measurement.

  • It is important to keep your hand steady during the measurement. The sensor takes a number of different measurements and compares the results. If the hand moves between measurements or the contact with the sensor varies, the comparison works less well.

Biozoom Scanner

Use the groove to precisely align your hand

Gebrauchsanweisung Biozoom Scanner Antiox

Do not move your hand while measuring

  • Avoid bright light on your hand during measurement (sunlight, bright artificial light). Cover your hand if necessary.

  • Bright light can get through your hand. You can try this by turning on your smartphone's LED flashlight and placing your finger on it. You can see that especially red light can get through your finger. The sunlight is even stronger and can get through all hands. For this reason, the Biozoom sensor refuses to measure in direct sunlight. If you want maximum precision, you can help the sensor by making sure that no bright light hits the back of your hand while measuring. Normal ceiling lights are usually not a problem.


We are a dynamic company that has set itself the task of making biomaker (vitamins, antioxidants, etc.) measurable in the skin. Our devices are medically validated and have been used successfully in studies by renowned clinics for years. We develop and produce them in the heart of Germany.


biozoom controls your diet and tells you how well you are supplying your body with vital substances that protect your well-being over the long term.


With the help of our measuring devices you will find out how appropriate your current lifestyle is. Because the measured values change, for example, in the event of stress, overload, insufficient sleep or unprotected exposure to the sun. These are all conditions that, in addition to your well-being, also affect your aging process.


In harmony with your body, biozoom shows you when something is getting out of hand (biofeedback) and helps you to readjust (coaching). This also applies to anti-aging, because the readings give you an indication of whether you are doing enough for it. So get the nutrition tracker now and do the vitality check.

 weight loss, food tracker, nutrition, antioxidants
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